Wednesday, October 26, 2016

From 2nd Grade to P4

Today I received the good news that Vivian has been offered a short-term placement within P4 of the Preparatory School of Victoria College in Belfast.

I will admit that I am excited to see Vivian wearing the uniforms, but I'm even more eager for her to experience school in another country. 

Victoria College Belfast has some impressive numbers:


Some differences Vivian will experience at Victoria College:

-in Belfast, Vivian will have swimming, Spanish, and French classes

-by June, mathematics will cover 11 and 12 times tables; consolidation of 2-10 times tables and dividing facts; multiplying, adding, and subtracting money using written strategies;written methods of division with and without remainders; "money matters" - difference between our needs and wants, how to develop responsible attitudes to using money and learning responsible ways of managing money.