Monday, May 8, 2017


Finland, Finland, Finland!

Ugh. There was a signal failure on the train tracks so we had to go from Belfast Central Train station to Victoria to take the bus. 

The bus. 

You, who know me, know if my motion sickness. 

You, who grew up with me, remember how often I threw up on buses. 

We took Kwells. We hope for the best. 


We were stopped at the border (pulled over by a police officer on the highway) to show identification. Apparently the border is getting less soft. 


We got to the airport and did all the usual check in stuff then headed to the gate and I saw Jason, a fellow Fulbrighter!

She got a new book to read:

He's going to the same event in Helsinki. 

Vivi is getting pretty skilled at hurry up and wait. 

The flight was easy; Vivi slept on the floor with her head on the seat and the tray table down to make a wee den. 

At passport control our passports wouldn't read in the machine and we figured out the machines are only for EU passports. The border control agent who stamped our passport was very nice and told us a taxi would be the best bet to get to the hotel because of the hour and trains not running frequently. 

Welcome to Finland!



During the can ride, Viv asked question about things like how much sand is in the world. I told her I don't know because it changes because sand becomes glass. She asked why some people want a lot of money and I have her the kid version of Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs. 

Our hotel accommodation is a one bedroom apartment. 

It was weird. We had to stand outside and call a person who let is in via phone and told us to go down some stairs to a different phone. It would ring. I should answer it. 

It was all very Dan Brown. 

I followed instructions.

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