Monday, February 6, 2017

First cold

 Sick little kid waiting at the bus stop to go to the pharmacy and get her Translink card.

At least she has an adventurous spirit even when she doesn't feel well:

We passed by a sign for a ballet we might try to see:

At the pharmacy, we confronted this:

Wait...I mean:

Success! Like it was NBD (No Big Deal).

When we got home, I gave Viv cold medicine and she listened to an audio book with that delightful crankiness particular to having a cold. 

But the fun part was when Auntie Jen Skyped!
As soon as her video came on my screen, I jumped and hopped and danced around the apartment giggling. So fun!

But let's be honest. You know most of the video chat we looked like this:

And I felt like this:
 (note: if you don't read Hyperbole and Half, you're missing out)

Then it was time to return to regular life so we parted ways and I did laundry and vacuumed while waiting for a Tesco delivery. I know! So exciting!

It's 4:00 in Belfast and I'm going stir crazy. I want to be outside walking and discovering! The positive, I suppose, is that Viv's cold gave us a chance to slow down and do things like make crystals in vinegar.

Okay...deep breathing got me back on track. Not hyperventilating, but more OM-my-gosh-I'd-better-do-something-before-I-bounce-off-the-walls. Work always saves me! I love work!

I thought more about the research into Shared Education my mentor, Tony Gallagher, does. I'm itching to get my office space, identification card, and library access so I can really get started on my Inquiry Project.

Let the record show: it's hard to get work done with a sick seven-year-old. I doubt much work is going to get done. Sigh.

Tomorrow I'm going to Warnocks to get Viv's spring uniform dress so she can wear it on the field trip to Castle Ward this Thursday. (But I'd prefer to go into the office!)

Vivi made eggs for dinner:

And that's a wrap for Monday!

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