I got ready for the day with this delight:
(It's good! I swear!)
In preparation for my meeting with my mentor, I put this in my bag for him:
Then I straightened up the apartment and saw a menu on the coffe table.
This morning Vivian had a hard time deciding what to have for lunch: what I packed or Chicken goujons. Check out Victoria's lunch menu:
I left a little early because I wanted to walk to Queen's rather than taking the bus so I could see more -- and show you more!
I'm a sucker for a pretty gate.
A wedding!
I can't get over the beautiful hills just beyond the city proper. Each street has gorgeous views with shades of green.
Huh. Right in the city!
Another view.
Ooooooh. Magical.
I like to always check where I've been, where I am, and where I'm going. Directional mindfulness.
Hi, guy on a wall.
Across from guy on a wall is this beautiful church. Maybe he's looking at it? I wonder if it was planned as his view.
Look! Look! Look! Queen's!
Cool stairs in a physics building. Go figure.
Archways are around corners in the least likely places.
Outside the library. How students feel pulling an all-nighter?
Where my meeting is.
How to find your way around.
I met my mentor at his office, then went with him to a coffee shop where I had the most delicious carrot soup I ever tasted. The soup may have been enhanced by the flavor of discussion: Lehighton, the world, education, and community. And he collects shirts; what a happy coincidence!
Then I had to dash off to pick up Viv and saw things along the way to share with you:
This is the building at the Botanic Gardens.
It's not spring, but the flowers made me feel like it is
A little birdhouse in my soul.
I don't know what this is. But I like it.
Walk, walk, walk from Queen's to Victoria. I took Malone and made a right onto Marlborough:
And Viv had great news!
The fun didn't stop there, though. Chris was at Queen's so we decided to go up there to see him. Viv wanted to take the bus but we waited and waited and waited and seriously. No bus. 25 minutes. So we walked and along the way we saw our neighbors and fellow Fulbrighter coming toward us! Vivi was thrilled to see the boy from next door because she is always excited to play with him. Tess, the grownup, asked if Viv wanted to go back to the apartment with them and I saw that my kid has no loyalty. If she could have pushed off of me to gain speed toward their apartment, she would have.
Stunned by my childlessness, I half ran the remaining blocks because I knew poor Chris was waiting at the gate for a good 30 minutes and I still can't connect to wifi hotspots. L to Ehatsapp him about the bus debacle.
But then I saw him! Yay! As we hugged, we had this conversation:
"Where's Viv?"
"I handed her off to someone on the street."
"Haha! You're kidding."
"No. No, I'm not."
Then I gave him the full context. But shocking him was delightful!
Off we went, arm in arm, to a fabulous restaurant:
I had the sausage; Chris had the beef. We're no dummies, so we totally shared, though I made out way better than he did because I got all sorts of yummy mushrooms from his. Win!
Every time I see Chris is another check in the Fun column of life.
We had beautiful citrus drinks in fancy glasses:
That's rosemary in there with the citrus!
Even the bathrooms were super fancy, but I left my phone at the table so missed the chance to take a picture. (Side note: I just realized how often I've been taking pictures of bathrooms since I've been here. I will now self edit and give myself the feedback that it's probably getting weird.)
But I'd be remiss if I didn't show you the food:
Oh, come on. You knew I'd get chips.
And he a piggie:
And then dinner was finished, our bellies were full, I realized for the thousandth time why I adore Chris and it was sadly time to part ways.
I saw pretty sights on the way home:
Those are people doing yoga. Now I feel a little stalker-y.
And back at the apartment?
Today I started at the middle star and went to the bottom star.
Then bottom to middle.
Then middle to top.
Then top the bottom.
Then bottom to middle.
Then middle to top.
Then top to middle.
My stars!
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