Monday, February 27, 2017


It was really easy pressing the snooze button this morning. 

Tonight I'm FaceTiming with the school board in Lehighton so I'd better not hit snooze when my alarm goes off! I will speak with them at about half twelve my time. (Pretty good Belfast talk, huh?)


That's right! My id! And I was able to log in to the computer! And I was able to access wifi!

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

As promised, I brought cake and lattes to the office fellas and I got this hilarious email from one:

I mean, come on, how can I avoid giving us sitcom titles?

Latte, Latte, Americano is still my favorite. 


Celebratory lunch at The House:



That's ham and chicken pie. 

That's Irish Stew. I can't get enough Irish Stew. It's really, really good. I also had vegetable broth, but vegetable broth here is a pretty heart soup. And it's always delicious. Belfast knows how to do food. 

After doing some work, we went to pick up Vivian. By the Adelaide bus stop, James found a wallet in the gutter area of the street so we Google mapped the address and walked it over to him. It was a chance to see a part of Malone Road and some neighborhoods I hadn't had a reason to go to, so it was a nice glimpse of a different area. The man was happy to have his wallet back - he bikes and hadn't even known his wallet was missing. 

On the way back to the apartment, Viv was struggling a bit with her backpack, so James offered to carry it for her. Then, of course, she skipped and ran and had tons of energy. 

Now it's time to get a wee bit of shut-eye before it's time to wake up for FaceTime. 

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