Friday, February 24, 2017

Night and Day

Last night I got to meet up with Fiona, from the Department of Education.

This is The Albany and I had delicious Beef Bourignon that made me feel like napping, it was so satisfying. Good thing it was already evening!

This morning the sun was shining and all the signs of yesterday's storm were long gone. Vivi and I had a lovely walk to school and I decided to get a cup of coffee as a Friday treat. 

Along the way I saw these stuffed animals watching the world go by. 

I saw trees blooming and was impressed the wee budding flowers were able to hang on to the branches yesterday during the wind and rain. 
Then I had porridge with jam and a latte and felt like nothing could be better at that moment. Well, having Vivi there would have been even more fun. 

Then off to the airport to pick up the next visitor!

James arrived safe and sound. 

I got an email that MY CREDENTIALS WERE READY!!!!

We hightailed it up to the administration building and check out the view from their offices. 


It is my duty to immediately feed visitor fish and chips:
 And I had local chicken. 

It's a restaurant called Deanes at Queen's:
James is dealing with the rain well. He's also putting up with me taking pictures. 

I dropped off James at a coffee house and then continued a few more blocks to pick up Viv from school. I figured he could stay dry and preorder her a hot chocolate. 

 This cool walkway caught my eye. 

The hot chocolatier got it all over her face and was rather pleased with herself and wanted me to take pictures of her choco-face until...
...she spotted Beau, a four month old Labrador pup. Beau's owner had a Lab, Chloe, who died this past summer at the ripe old age of 14. He said his kids had never known life without her because she was already part if the family before they were born. Beau quickly became part of their family and is really friendly in addition to being adorable and soft. 


Viv is thrilled she has no homework. Next week is World  Book Week so the girls are to choose a book character and dress up as that character Friday. Vivian chose Lucy from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe so I ordered her a costume from Amazon UK and it arrived today. It's adorable! But I'll wait to post a picture until next week. I don't know if she'll change out of it between now and then, though, because she really loves it. 

Tomorrow we will tour around Belfast. 

I can't believe I finally got my identification card!

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