Sunday, February 26, 2017

A Titanic Sunday

Viv and I made breakfast; she is getting to be an expert egg maker and she even has her own style about it - she freshly grinds sea salt and pepper into the bowl or on the plate where the eggs will go so there's more flavor. 

We cut up pears and apples and cheese and some yummy fresh.l bread we picked up. 

What a rainy day! That means it was ideal for going to the Titanic Museum. 

We took a cab because it makes more sense to go in a can with three people and be able to go door-to-door when it's pouring. 

When we arrived there were all sorts of fancy cars and signs that it was a wedding informational event. I don't know if it's a good idea to get married at a place symbolizing something that sank, but to each his and her happily ever after own!

We meandered through the exhibit, which is part historic artifact/part digital/part awesome ride/part life size recrration. 

Historic Lunatic Asylum. Um. What made it historic? It sounds ominous. 

Heat views


The Titanic tickets also cover a fee to visit Nomadic, a ship "parked" nearby. Walking along the dock, we saw this and wondered what it was. 


Then we walked a bit more and read the explanation. 
It is pretty impressive. 

On the Nomadic were period costumes and they were a total hit. I must have watched Viv try on costumes for an hour. I watched group after group after group walk through, have a grand time trying on costumes and leave. My kid? Still costuming. 


"I want to be mysterious."

The Michael Jackson version of a 1912 girl. 

She posed like the pictures of passengers who rode Nomadic. 



We went below deck where the engines used to be and watched clips from the Digital Film Archives. I recommend visiting the website - it has great historical footage and pictures. 


It wa time to eat so we headed over to St. George's Market when Viv wanted a bap with sausage. It was hard to hear what she was saying because it was a little loud, but somehow the man (I can't believe I can't remember his name. I feel like a jerk. If you're reading this: I'm sorry! I'll find out when I see you again!) figured out how to make Viv what she deemed excellent. "This is excellent."

Tiggy, short for Antigone, works at the booth, too, and she was really lovely and friendly and we chatted about my project. She grew up until she was 12/13 in South Africa, then moved to Belfast, where her mom lived until she was about 12/13.  

The sun came out so we walked most of the way home, but a bus was stopped so we hopped on for about 3 stops. A quick Tesco trip for more salad ingredients gave us some heavy bags, but only up the wee hill to the apartment. 

This beautiful bloom made the walk all the more worth. 


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