Tuesday, February 21, 2017

New Staff Induction

Yesterday I got an email from Jarrad, a reporter at The Times News in Lehighton, asking if I had a picture of both Marchetti girls and I realized I didn't.

The first order of official business this morning was breaking out the selfie stick.



Then we trotted off to school drop off and I headed to Queen's for New Staff Induction.

I waited at the Notting Hill bus stop and amidst all the communicating traffic, went a tractor. It felt just like home.

Hey! Let's take a tour of Queen's University Belfast!

(You want to go to Queen's now, don't you?)

And here's The Lanyon Building.

Oh, Mr. Lanyon. What a building to have named after you.

Okay...look at the front.
Now...see that second window to the left?
Here it is from the inside!

That's where the New Staff Induction was. Can you believe it? Gorgeous!

It's Jill!
She and Andrew made this event terrific and it was so nice to be able to start my day with her bright, friendly face.

 During the induction I had a chance to meet a lot of new people and each had an interesting story and background. One woman is from Egypt, but spent the past few years in Japan. There were people from America, France by way of Norway, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Germany...the list goes on. What a vibrant group of people!

One aspect of the Induction I liked was realizing how important each staff member is to the University. They believe strongly that every employee brings something vital to making Queen's a world-class institution and their core values reflect this.

After Induction I went over the the office to see the guys and then headed out because I still can't access anything without id or passwords or credentials.

But there was a lovely mist of light rain and I felt like walking a bit so I headed over to the Graduate Center, a building I wanted to see since I arrived in Belfast.

From there I took the bus down to Victoria Prep to pick up Viv and for homework she's reading a book about The Tower of London.

Yesterday she did some videos to add to the blog.

Her teacher's name is Miss Waugh.


Let's see what book she chooses to listen to tonight.

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